
17 December 2012


SA-SIG is the acronym for the Southern Africa Jewish Genealogy Special Interest Group, which aims to bring together Jewish genealogy researchers with a common interest in Southern Africa.
The Mission Statement of SA-SIG reads as follows:
·          for a free exchange of ideas, research tips, and information of interest to those researching Jewish family history in the communities of South Africa, Lesotho (Basutoland), Botswana (Bechuanaland), Zimbabwe (Southern Rhodesia), Zambia (Northern Rhodesia), Swaziland, Mozambique and the former Belgian Congo,
·          to reflect the homogenous character and traditions of Southern African Jewry,
·          to address broader issues relating to the region's Jewry and its institutions and maintain contact with them
·          to assist members intending to travel to the region with information and contacts,
·          to promote, support and assist projects relevant to the family history and genealogy of SA Jewry.

Click HERE to gain access to their website