
14 February 2013

LegacyTec for Smartphones

[The following article was posted on Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter]

Otter Creek Holdings, the new parent company of, has displayed new software they've built into a soon-to-be released smartphone application, LegacyTec.

In the past, some companies and a number of cemeteries have promoted the use of QR codes on small "medallions" that are cemented onto the face of the tombstone. Anyone with an Apple or Android smartphone could scan the QR code and immediately see a web page devoted to the life of the person buried there. Tombstone experts have questioned the practice of using any sort of adhesive to attach anything to a tombstone. The new app from Otter Creek Holdings plans to make QR codes obsolete by replacing them with the one thing that never changes: latitude and longitude.

Click HERE to read more.

[Will this work in South Africa? - Ed.]