
31 August 2012

Die stamvader van die Ferreiras in Suid-Afrika

Die feitelike gegewens van hierdie eg-menslike verhaal is ontleen aan die Ferreira-stamregister, saamgestel deur Emmarentia Ferreira van Jeffreysbaai en Janet Melville van Port Elizabeth, asook Stamvader Ignatius Ferreira en sy naverwante wat in 1997 deur prof. O.J.O. Ferreira gepubliseer is – Red. 

30 August 2012

Die held van Somerset-Oos

Barry Vosloo 

Kmdt. Paul Jacobus Erasmus
Kommandant Paul Jacobus Erasmus is op 21 September 1829 gebore, en sterf op 14 Januarie 1881 in Basoetoland. Die verhaal van sy dood word in hierdie storie vertel. Hy tree op 24 Januarie 1853 met Helena Francina Jacoba Vosloo in die huwelik. Sy is op 18 Mei 1832 op Somerset-Oos gebore en is daar op 2 Februarie 1902 oorlede. 

Kommandant Erasmus se skoonseun (?), Johannes Arnoldus Vosloo (1862), wat ook bekend gestaan het as Hans, het 'n lewensbeskrywing van sy skoonvader nagelaat waaruit dit blyk dat hy (Erasmus) as jong seun reeds tekens getoon het dat hy "van onverskrokke karakter was". Hy het onder andere 'n luiperd op kort afstand doodgeskiet en, gedurende 'n Kafferoorlog, toe die meeste boere in die omtrek op kommando was, 'n bende veediewe agtervolg. 

29 August 2012



Volgens StatCounter is die statistiek vir Julie en Augustus met betrekking tot Jaarringe, soos volg: 
  • Aantal intekenaars (d.w.s persone wat op Jaarringe ingeteken het en dus outomaties per e-pos van nuwe berigte kennis ontvang) – 30
  • Aantal berigte geplaas – 70
  • Aantal besoeke – 623
  • Aantal berigte gelees - 2214
  • Gemiddelde aantal berigte per besoek gelees – 3.6 
  • Die berig wat die meeste besoeke ontvang het, was ‘n Voormalige Rhodesiër se bande met Ugie wat op 10 Augustus verskyn het - 52  

28 August 2012

Só het ek uitgevind my pa en ma is neef en niggie

JAPIE BOSCH skryf: Met die genealogiese rekenaarprogram, Legacy, het ek 'n klompie jare terug 'n ontdekking gemaak wat andersins waarskynlik nooit vir ons familie bekend sou gewees het nie: my twee ouers (albei oorlede) was neef en niggie. Nouwel vyfde geslag neef en niggie, maar Jacob Rudolph Jacobus Bosch en Louisa Petronella Jacoba Labuschagne het 'n verwantskap gehad.

27 August 2012

Drie stories oor die ou-ou dae

Barry Vosloo 

Adriana Jacomina Esterhuysen (foto links) is op 3 Februarie 1878 in die Utrecht-distrik op die plaas Baltusspruit gebore. Sy was 'n nooi Ferreira, die aanvallige dogter van Petrus Gerhardus en Susanna Elizabeth Ferreira. Adriana was waarskynlik ‘n nasaat (sesde geslag) van Ignácio - later Ignatius - Ferreira (1695 – 1772) wat die stamvader van die meeste Ferreiras in Suid-Afrika was.

Soos die meeste kinders, het haar kleinkinders hulle verluister aan hulle ouma se vertellings oor die “ou” dae. 

26 August 2012

Nuwe tak van die GGSA gestig

Simon, van George, skryf op SA Genealogie:

Net om julle in te lig dat 'n nuwe tak van die Genealogiese Genootskap van Suid-Afrika gister (24 Augustus) op George gestig is. 

Die tak beoog om die Suidkaap vanaf Albertinia-Stilbaai oor Mosselbaai, George, Knysna en Plett tot by Stormsrivier en ook die Klein Karoo in te sluit. 

Die tragiese verhaal van F.A. Marais.

James Sadie 

Op 9 Julie 1901 is 'n groot aantal mense van Middelburg aangesê om op die markplein teenwoordig te wees vir die verhoor van F.A. Marais vir 'n klag van hoogverraad. 

Hy is deur die militêre kommandant die doodvonnis opgelê. Hy was baie ontsteld aangesien hy vas geglo het dat hy onskuldig was. 

25 August 2012

The South African cultural mosaic

Compiled by A.M. van Rensburg and B.J. Vosloo

Wikipedia points out that the Canadian concept of cultural mosaic suggests that the integration of the many different cultures in Canada combine like a mosaic, as opposed to the more traditional notion of a cultural melting pot. 

The idea of cultural mosaic is almost certainly just as applicable to South Africa, where ethnicity is juxtaposed but does not merge into a single homogeneous culture. Each culture more or less keeps its own distinct qualities. 

24 August 2012

Benoeming van opeenvolgende geslagte

'n Gesprek is onlangs op SAGenealogie gevoer met betrekking tot die korrekte benoeming van opeenvolgende geslagte. 

Normaalweg is ons vertroud met die benoeming van die eerste vier geslagte, dit wil sê broer/suster, ouers, grootouers en ouma- en oupagrootjie. 

23 August 2012

Mag ek of mag ek nie?

Daar word tans ‘n interessante gesprek op SAGenealogie gevoer met betrekking tot die wetlikheid van persoonlike inligting wat genealoë ter wille van hulle navorsing aanwend. Hieronder volg ‘n aantal geredigeerde menings in verband met die aangeleentheid. Klik hier om die gesprek te volg. 

22 August 2012

The truth about the Van Riebeecks

The fake Van Riebeeck
The well-known portrait of Jan van Riebeeck (left) is in fact not Van Riebeeck at all, but Bartholomeus Vermuyden. 

The face on the previous South African banknote, too, was not Van Riebeeck’s but Vermuyden’s. 

21 August 2012

Die eerste plaasmoord?

James Sadie 

Ek het gedurende my navorsing oor my vrou, Pauline, se stamvader op hierdie interessante gebeure op die internet afgekom. Ek vra myself af of dit nie moontlik die eerste plaasmoord in Suid Afrika was nie. Volgens 'n sekere bron was dit baie moontlik die eerste nadoodse ondersoek aan die Kaap. 

20 August 2012

Die Franse Hugenote in Suid-Afrika

Die Hugenote-monument in Franschhoek
Die ondervermelde inligting oor die Franse Hugenote is oorgeneem uit twee geloofwaardige webtuistes: die Hugenote-vereniging van Suid-Afrika en die  Suid-Afrikaanse Ensiklopedie

19 August 2012

1820 Settler genealogy

Members may be aware of the following sources giving information about the 1820 settlers who had a major impact on life in the Eastern Cape.

18 August 2012

The Bergtheil Settlers

Reprinted from Mole’s Genealogy Blog (click here to access). 

Jonas Bergtheil

A group of German settlers came to Natal in March 1848 on the ship Beta, under a private scheme arranged by Jonas Bergtheil. This was the first organized initiative to bring settlers to Natal, pre-dating the much-publicised and well-documented Byrne scheme. 

15 August 2012

British concentration camps of the South African War, 1900 – 1902

These camps were formed by the British army to house the residents of the two Boer republics of the South African Republic and the Orange Free State. They were established towards the end of 1900, after Britain had invaded the Boer republics. 

14 August 2012

In search of my great-grandfather

Myra Bosch 

I was inspired by my late brother's life task and brilliant book about our Jackson ancestors. Each family member received a copy. My husband, who had retired at that time, decided to create a family tree for our children. Our parents on both sides were deceased so he started looking up long forgotten aunts, uncles and cousins from his side of the family. He met up with a seasoned genealogist who introduced him to a computer programme which had exciting features such a variety of family trees and layouts for a book. 

12 August 2012

Boer settlement in South America

Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina 
Once they lived here in their thousands, but now only a handful of Afrikaans-speaking Boers remain in the windswept Patagonian coastal town of Comodoro Rivadavia and its hinterland.

Between 1903 and 1909, up to 800 Boer families trekked by ship to this lonely spot on Argentina's east coast, about 1500km north of Tierra del Fuego.

They had suffered badly in the 1899-1902 South African War. Some had lost family members in Kitchener's infamous concentration camps; others had their farmhouses destroyed by British troops.

11 August 2012

Schubert, die Weense woude en Barrydale

Diek van Wyk

Franz Schubert
65 jaar gelede, toe ek 'n eerstejaarstudentjie was, het 'n oom van my eendag 'n plaat met twee Schubert-liedere daarop vir my gespeel. Op die een kant was daar Der Erlkönig en op die ander ander kant Heidenröslein. Dit het my lot verseël. Ek was oombliklik en reddeloos 'n gevangene van Schubert se liedkuns. Vir die res van my lewe sou dit my passie bly.

10 August 2012

‘n Voormalige Rhodesiër se bande met Ugie

Barry Vosloo

Myra Bosch

Myra Bosch, ‘n voormalige Rhodesiër en tans ‘n lid van die Jeffreysbaaise Genealogiese Geselsgroep, vertel dat haar ouma se broer, ds. MTR Smit, vanaf 1917 tot 1960 die NG predikant op Ugie was. 

09 August 2012

Sterilisasie van armblankes in Suid-Afrika

Die vraag of armblankes in die middel van die vorige eeu gesteriliseer is om goeie gene onder Suid-Afrikaners te verseker, is ‘n ruk gelede op SA Genealogie bespreek. Hieronder volg ‘n geredigeerde weergawe van die elektroniese gesprek. 

08 August 2012

The first people of the Kouga

Kobus Reichert

The Kouga region (Google Images)
“Kouga” is a KhoiSan word meaning: “Hippopotamus River”. It is a region with an abundance of archaeological sites and cultural artefacts linked to the first inhabitants of the land. The oldest evidence of the early inhabitants are large stone tools, called hand axes and cleavers, which can be found in the river gravels which capped the hill slopes in the region. These large stone tools are from a time period called the Earlier Stone Age and may date between 1 million and 250 000 years old. These large stone tools are often found associated with the gravels in the area, and were later replaced by smaller stone tools called the Middle Stone Age (MSA) flake and blades industries. Evidence of MSA sites occur throughout the region and date between 120 000 and 30 000 years old.

07 August 2012

Die Van Wyks se voorgeskiedenis

Diek van Wyk 

Lynette Francis het op Maandag 6 Augustus in haar program Praat Saam met twee genetici gepraat waarin hulle dit onder andere gehad het oor die maniere waarop vasgestel kan word hoe iemand se genotipiese afkoms tot by die wieg van die mensdom bepaal kan word. Toevallig is my afkoms so bepaal. In hierdie hoofstuk uit my boek wat ek vir my kinders geskryf het, vertel ek, effens aangepas, daarvan. 

(Lees ook Using DNA to trace ancestry. Klik hier om toegang te verkry - Redaksie)

06 August 2012

Using DNA to trace ancestry

Because the chromosomes mothers and fathers pass on to their children are reshuffled versions of the ones they inherited from their own parents, it is hard to use most chromosomes to trace genealogy back very far. Most of the Y chromosome, however, is handed down from father to son without changes. Likewise, in humans, the tiny bit of DNA contained in an unusual package of genetic material known as mitochondrial DNA is passed down from mother to child without any recombination. For this reason, these types of DNA can be used to trace your ancestry. 

Click here and here to learn more.

04 August 2012

I was there

William Wood, interpreter to Dingaan.

(The following is an extract from Annals of Natal, 1495 to 1845, Volume C. John Bird. Struik: Cape Town. The pictures were provided by Google Images)

Dingaan's kraal
The form of Dingaan's kraal was a circle. It was strongly fenced with bushes, and had two entrances. The principal one faced the king's huts, which were placed at the furthest extremity of the kraal, behind which were his wives' huts. These extended beyond the circle which formed the kraal, but were also strongly fenced in. On the right hand of the principal entrance were placed the huts of Inhlela Dingaan's captain) and his warriors, and on the left those of Dambuza (another of his captains) with his men. The kraal contained four cattle kraals, which were also strongly fenced, and four huts erected on pole, which contained the arms of the troops.

At a short distance from the entrance was the trunk of a large tree, which was in a state of decay, and which no person was allowed to touch, being the tree under which Dingaan's father died, and which he valued very highly. Near this tree grew two other trees which are called by the Zulu's milk-trees.

03 August 2012

Enigeen kan geskiedenis skryf

Barry Vosloo 

Volgens die Indiese historikus, Anjali Modi, bestaan daar ‘n groot gaping tussen gebeure wat die historikus uitbeeld en hoe gewone mense dieselfde gebeure beskryf. Eersgenoemde, sê hy, “is concerned about the practice of history writing, the uses of evidence, methods of interpretation … “ Laasgenoemde sien geskiedkundige gebeure dikwels “as a tool in [an] ideological campaign … in producing histories that justify its political goals.” 

Hiervan moet ‘n mens aflei dat dat gewone mense geskiedkundige gebeure op ‘n baie meer subjektiewe vlak interpreteer as die professionele ouens en dus ‘n skewe voorstelling daarvan gee. 

02 August 2012

The Importance of Given Names

Donna Przecha 

In genealogy we usually concentrate on surnames since they are the most important way of identifying people who are related. A surname is usually inherited and, while it may be changed, some form of it is usually retained. Given names are more important in a way because they represent a voluntary choice by the parents or, sometimes, by an individual. A name is usually not given lightly. It represents thought and feelings and can be significant to the researcher. 

First ever photo from 1826 to go on display

This blurry photograph is believed to be the world’s first ever. It is set to go on display in Germany soon. 

The photograph is called The view from the window at Le Gras and dates back to 1826. It was created by photographic pioneer Nicéphore Niépce at his Le Gras country estate in Saint-Loup-de-Varennes, France. 

01 August 2012

Annual excursion: The Genealogical Society of South Africa (GSSA)

The Northern Transvaal branch of the GSSA has successfully negotiated with the management of the National Archives in Hamilton Street, Pretoria, to re-open their premises on the first Saturday of each month. 

The annual excursion of the GSSA to the Archives will therefore take place on 4 August 2012.

The Genealogical Society of South Africa (GSSA)

Ferdie van Wyk 

The Genealogical Society of South Africa (GSSA) was founded in 1964. 

Genealogy of Jesus

Jesus' genealogy can be found at two places in the Bible