
30 December 2012

Tourtière Genealogy

Preparing tourtiére
My ancestry is French-Canadian on my mother's side of the family so one dish we had every Christmas was tourtière: a meat pie. In our household, the meat was always pork and I always assumed that tourtière meant "pork pie." However, in later years I learned that some people make tourtière from veal or beef. However, not until this week did I realize that tourtière is also often an indication of your ancestry.

20 December 2012

On the buses: fifty years ago

Steve Hayes

The Last Tram ceremony, 18 March 1961
The Johannesburg Transport Department was a new name for what had previously been known as Johannesburg Municipal Tramways, which began in 1906 when the first electric trams were introduced, replacing the old horse-drawn trams which had been run by a private company. But the trams were being phased out, so they decided to change the name, but members of the running staff still referred to it as the JMT, and the letters JMT still appeared on the sides of some buses until they were repainted.

18 December 2012

Jews on commando

Chief Rabbi Louis Rabinowitz, better-known for his stirring sermons and political outspokenness, was also a keen historian.

17 December 2012


SA-SIG is the acronym for the Southern Africa Jewish Genealogy Special Interest Group, which aims to bring together Jewish genealogy researchers with a common interest in Southern Africa.

Op Kommando

Kommando’s het hul beslag gekry toe die Kompanjie soldate of burgers op ekspedisies uitgestuur het om gesteelde vee terug te kry. Die heel eerste kommando wat slegs uit burgervrywilligers bestaan het, het in 1715 só ’n sending aangepak. Ná 1739 was dit vir elke burger verpligtend om op kommando te gaan.

15 December 2012

What our ancestors endured

Melissa Strojek, Mansfield News Journal, 9 December 2012

13 December 2012

Women of South Africa - 1913

Women of South Africa - 1913 lists over 1500 Biographies of prominent Women of South Africa for the year 1913.

Die ontstaan van Afrikaans

Civilization is not inherited; it has to be learned and earned by each generation anew; if the transmission should be interrupted for one century, civilization would die, and we should be savages again - Will Durant

10 December 2012

Oudste SA geslagsregister?

Die oudste bekende geslagsregister in Suid Afrika is in 1832 opgestel deur Magdalena Christina Marais, 'n gehoorgestremde.

Dié waardevolle dokument is in besit van die Genealogiese Instituut van Suid-Afrika. Klik HIER om dit te besigtig

08 December 2012 Behind the scenes with Santa Claus

Click HERE to view a short video clip.

06 December 2012

Genealogy for beginners

Genealogy is the study of the descent of families and persons from an ancestor or ancestors, while Family History applies to biographical research into one's ancestors.

05 December 2012

Ossewaens: Hou Links

Graaf Caledon
Daar was twee eeue gelede reeds kommer oor die talle padongelukke in Kaapstad, en oor verkeersgeraas. Graaf Caledon, die eerste burgerlike goewerneur van die tweede Britse besetting, het tipies Brits beslis dat die kolonie die metropool se verkeersreëls moet gehoorsaam. Op 23 Junie 1809 het hy die ondervermelde proklamasie uitgevaardig.

“Ek het berigte ontvang dat ongelukke dikwels voorkom, en dat dit groot gevaar meebring, veral snags, weens die nalatigheid of wangedrag van Drywers van Rytuie, en veral Ossewaens wat tussen die Platte land en Kaapstad heen en weer ry. Ek beveel hiermee dat die volgende Regulasie streng gehoorsaam sal word:

04 December 2012

Our ancestors’ dental care

It wasn't always like this!
200 000 years ago dental care was less efficient
In the olden days, man had to get creative to clean his teeth and make his breath less pungent to friends and family. We don't know who first invented the idea of tooth cleaning, although markings on teeth found in caves dating back to the Stone Age suggest that ancient man used makeshift toothpicks likely fashioned from wood or bone to remove seeds and bone fragments from between his teeth.

The practice of gnawing on aromatic sticks or twigs was probably widespread even before the invention of toothpaste; native herbs like mint and ginger freshened breath, while foods that required lots of chewing promoted salivation. Whole grains also acted as mild abrasives to help remove plaque buildup.

03 December 2012

Die Eerste Vryburgers

Jan van Riebeeck
Van Riebeeck het ’n eenvoudige opdrag gehad: lê ’n groentetuin en vrugteboord aan, bou ’n fort en hospitaal, en ruil vee van die inheemse mense. Niemand het aan kolonisasie gedink nie. Van Riebeeck het egter gou raakgesien dat grond oos van Tafelberg, “met die heerlikste vars riviere wat ’n mens kan begeer”, uitstekend vir landbou geskik was. In 1657 het hy nege Kompanjiesdienaars vrygestel om voltyds op erwe van 13,3 morg (sowat 11,4 ha) te boer.

02 December 2012

It is the second day of the month: back up your files!

Dick Eastman, Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter 

It is the second day of the month. It's time to back up your genealogy files.Then test your backups!

01 December 2012

Adriaan Frans Christiaan Röscher, die grondlegger van Ventersdorp

Piet Butler

[Hierdie berig bevat uittreksels uit ‘n gelyknamige artikel wat Piet in 1988 geskryf het. Belangstellendes kan ‘n afskrif van die volledige teks bekom deur met hom in verbinding te tree by dawnviewinn@yahoo.comRed.]

Adriaan Frans Christiaan Röscher is op 3 Augustus 1832 in die distrik Uitenhage gebore en verhuis in 1854 na die Transvaal. In 1856 tree hy in die huwelik met Johanna Sophia van Jaarsveld te Klerksdorp, waar hy ook tydelik sy beroep as onderwyser beoefen.

30 November 2012

A different kind of police force

A force of slaves called ‘Caffers’ acted as the executive arm of the Fiscal, or state prosecutor. In his work on Cape slavery, Children of Bondage, Robert Shell explains the word’s curious etymology. Originally it was an Arabic noun meaning ‘ungrateful’; by association, those who did not believe in Allah were ungrateful. All non-Jews, non-Christians, and non-Muslims – people ‘not of the book’ – were thus considered ‘Caffers’.

Die Jeffreysbaaise Genealogiese Geselsgroep sluit jaar af

Naas Olivier
Die Jeffreysbaaise Genealogiese Geselsgroep het Woensdag, 28 November, sy aktiwiteite vir die jaar met ‘n vleisbraaiery op Meeding en Barendine Ferreira se plaas, Akkerboom, afgesluit.
Altesaam 26 persone het die gesellige byeenkoms op ‘n heerlike Oos-Kaapse somersaand bygewoon.

Always test your backups!

Pierre Clouthier of Progeny Genealogy has written an excellent article that I suggest should be required reading for all genealogists as well as many other computer users.

28 November 2012

Genealogiese vraagstukke

Barend J Venter, genealogiese navorser van die Venter-familie van Suid-Afrika

Die afgelope tyd word daar heelwat stellings gemaak oor sulke sake soos:
  • Watter genealogiese program die sogenaamde beste program is.
  • Jy word aangemoedig om Gedcom-leers van jou data beskikbaar te stel sodat dit i'n poel gegooi kan word en deur ander programme gemanipuleer kan word sodat die protokol van datavaslegging wat jy oor jare gebruik het deur 'n rekenaarprogram verander kan word sodat jou plekname, persoonsname en vanne en die taal waarin jy dit vasgelê het verander word.
  • Die protokol wat gevolg moet word met die invoer van data in jou genealogiese program sodat dit aan iemand anders as jyself se vereistes voldoen.
Daar is nog 'n paar ander sake wat ook hiermee in verband staan wat geopper is.

27 November 2012

Het jy voortydig grys geword?

Oud-joernalis, Joe van Buuren, skryf in die webjoernaal, K’rant: “Ek het in my twintigerjare erg grys begin word, en ek is gou laat verstaan dat dit aan 'n genetiese afwyking te wyte is. Hmm?”

25 November 2012

Die Eva-geen

Vroeër vanjaar het Jaarringe Kowie Swiegers se storie geplaas oor hulle “besoek aan die graf van Eva, ons almoeder.” Klik HIER om dit te lees.

"Eva" deur Lynn Fellman
Die vraag of ons almal een voorsaat gemeen het duik nogal dikwels in genealogiese gesprekke op – veral tussen amateur-genealoë.

‘n Verteerbare antwoord hierop verskyn in Nuwe geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika saamgestel deur Hermann Giliomee en Bernard Mbenga, in 2007 uitgegee deur Tafelberg Uitgewers, Kaapstad.

KLIK HIER om meer daaroor te lees

24 November 2012

Die verband tussen die geskiedenis en genealogie

Van Greenwood sê in The Researcher's Guide to American Genealogy, dat "if you can understand the forces which shaped men's lives then you can better understand those men." Thomas Carlyle het raakgevat toe hy gesê het: “History is the essence of innumerable biographies.”

21 November 2012

Oral Histories

Kimberly Powell


Oral histories are stories told by living people about the past. Generally, these are stories of their own life and the lives of the people around them. Often an oral history includes details and stories that exist nowhere other than in the individual's mind. Therefore, preserving oral history and family stories should be a top priority for any family historian.


20 November 2012

The judgement of an imam

As early as 1725 the imams made their moral presence felt at the Cape in the following case outside the Slave Lodge, the notorious Company brothel.

19 November 2012

Lobola vir ouma Baby

Japie Bosch

Ouma Baby Vermaak
Ouma Baby Vermaak (my pa se ma) was ‘n duur meisie in haar jong dae.  Haar pa, Manny Vermaak, het geweet van geld en geldmaak.  Gevolglik het hy toegesien dat sy dogter nie haar huwelik sonder ‘n ietsie van haar eie betree nie.

Van kleintyd af was Hester Maria Vermaak (1891 – 1970) gewoond aan die goeie dinge in die lewe.  Sy en haar vyf susters en een broer is deur ‘n goewernante op hul plaas in die Molteno-distrik onderrig.  “In English only.” Dít en byvoorbeeld die silwer eetgerei en opskepborde wat met elke ete op die tafel was, vertel die verhaal van haar ouerhuis se lewenstyl.  Welaf mense.

18 November 2012

Hoogmoed kom voor die val

Af en toe stuur iemand ‘n storie aan Jaarringe wat min met die genealogie te doen het. Sulke stories is dikwels egter só tipies van die ouer geslag se grootworddae dat hulle vertel móét word.

Die volgende kostelike vertelling deur Egbert Prinsloo, is een hiervan. Myra Bosch het dit ingestuur.

16 November 2012

Scottish wills and testaments from 1902 to 1925 go online

Reprinted from Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter, 6 November 2012

The following announcement was written by ScotlandsPeople:

“From inmates of poorhouses to owners of mansions - a fascinating portrait of Scottish life during the early 20th Century and a major new family history resource.

A colourful picture of life in Scotland in the early 20th Century is revealed today with the release of the Wills and Testaments from 1902 to 1925 by the National Records of Scotland on the ScotlandsPeople website.

14 November 2012

How to discourage newcomers to Genealogy

Reprinted from Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter, 12 November 2012

I received the following email message today. It's sad that anyone would be treated in such a manner. I felt so bad about this person's experience that I decided to republish the email message here although I have edited it slightly and also removed the sender's name and email address in order to protect privacy.

13 November 2012

Tracing the biological mother of an adopted child

Penny Evans recently reported on a genealogical tour to Cape Town in the blog of the West Gauteng branch of the Genealogical Society of South Africa. She made special mention of a talk by Dennis Pretorius ( member of the National Council of the GSSA) about adoptions and how to go about tracing the biological mother of an individual who had been adopted. 

Click HERE to read more

12 November 2012

Tales from a winding river

Bartle Logie

The Sundays River winds its way from the Lootsberg, via Graaff-Reinet and Addo to the sea. Beside its banks have lived the famous, but also the unknown.

09 November 2012


Naas Olivier

Vergun my die geleentheid om terugvoer te gee oor ons byeenkoms op 31 Oktober 2012 ten einde afwesige lede oor die verloop van die vergadering in te lig.   Ek beoog om aanstaande jaar na elke byeenkoms dieselfde te doen:

02 November 2012

President Obama an Irishman?

Barry Vosloo

On 17 October Jaarringe reported that few nations are as passionate about their country as the Irish. Their devotion is often revealed by an almost feverish search for the Irish roots of important people elsewhere in the world.

17 October 2012

Henry Ford - The Cork Connection

Barry Vosloo

Few nations are as fervently patriotic as the Irish. Even a cursory study of their tumultuous history stretching back to the Neolithic period more than 4000 years ago, confirms this. Contemplating this beautiful land of myths and legends, William Butler Yeats, the renowned Irish poet who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1923, once observed, “It seemed as if the ancient world lay all about us with its freedom of imagination, its delight in good stories, in man's force and woman's beauty.”

16 October 2012

Ons vrome voorvaders en die geeste

Carla van der Spuy, Rooi Rose, November 2011

Die toonbeeld van die vroomheid. Eng en streng met die lettelike vertolking van die Bybel as hulle enigste riglyn. Stoere boere. Dit is hoe talle Afrikaannssprekendes aan hulle voorvaders dink.

10 October 2012

Was Racheltjie eintlik 'n Amerikaner?

G. Olwagen en Leo Kritzinger, Beeld, 6 Oktober 2012

Die vermoede dat die Voortrekker-heldin Racheltjie de Beer ’n versinsel is, bou al lank op omdat genealogiese navorsing geen getuienis kan vind wat met die gegewens in dié bekende verhaal strook nie. Die joernaliste G. Olwagen en Leo Kritzinger voer aan dat die verklaring dalk by die enigmatiese Eugène Marais gesoek moet word.

Klik HIER om meer te lees.

04 October 2012

Vir diegene wat van Ierse afkoms is

Barry Vosloo

Ek is baie partydig vir die Iere. Punt.

Dalk is die rede daarvoor dat ons oudste seun vir hom en sy gesin die afgelope elf jaar ‘n goeie bestaan in hierdie pragtige land losgewerk het. Dalk het 'n studie van die Ierse geskiedenis iets daarmee te doen. Dalk vloei daar meer as ‘n net blertsie Ierse bloed deur my are.

Maar, wat beteken dit om Iers te wees?


Mary McAleese
In haar toespraak by die Cork University College in Januarie 2006, het die voormalige Ierse president, Mary McAleese, daarop gewys dat die Iere “have often punched above their weight”. Dink maar aan die elf Nobelpryse wat al aan Iere toegeken is: vyf vir vrede twee vir fisika en vier vir letterkunde. Om nie te praat van ten minste twee Amerikaanse presidente wat familiebande met Ierland gehad het nie.

McAleese het voorts gesê: “With each passing year, post-Rising Ireland reveals itself, and we, who are of this strongly independent and high-achieving land, would do well to ponder the extent to which today’s freedoms, values, ambitions rest on [achieving] … the right of the Irish people to [take] ownership of Ireland …”

Die Britsgebore Ierse joernalis, Kevin Meyers, het egter onlangs in ‘n koerantartikel onder die opskrif A genetic condition could explain much of Irish history, daarop gewys dat DNA-ondersoeke daarop dui dat die wesenskenmerke van die Ierse nasionale karakter waarskynlik geneties bepaal is en oorgeërf is van die eerste setlaars wat volgens oorlewering in die verre verlede per boot vanaf Spanje daar aangeland het.

Hy skryf: “We know that schizophrenia and alcoholism are inherited traits. We also know that Ireland has higher rates of both illnesses than any other country in Europe.”

Hy beweer vervolgens dat “other genetically transmitted traits … that cause behavioural characteristics that were specific to Irish people … and have helped shape the culture of the Irish so that they become societal norms, thus affecting the behaviour of people who were themselves not inheritors of the genes. Nature and nurture are therefore intertwined … Possibly other genes caused a predisposition to disregard the future tense. Impetuosity, a refusal to plan, contempt for consequence, for whatever reason, would become common characteristics of the Irish people.

Gerry Adams, Irish republican politician
“We know about other characteristics: a gregariousness, a volubility, an affable charm, a clannishness, an amiable distinctiveness … and also a perpetual sense of victimhood … The golden thread of Irish republicanism, which can turn an affray in a farmyard into a ‘Rising’, takes much of its moral authenticity through a much-cherished sense of oppression.”

Maar wie ookal wat sê, die allermooiste elemente van Iersheid word myns insiens in die onderstaande gedig versgestalt:

In that dear land across the Irish sea.

If you ever go across the sea to Ireland,
Then maybe at the closing of your day,
You will sit and watch the moon rise over Claddagh,
And see the sun go down on Galway Bay.

Just to hear again the ripple of the trout stream,
The women in the meadow making hay.
Just to sit beside a turf fire in the cabin,
And watch the barefoot gosoons at their play.

For the breezes blowin' o'er the sea from Ireland
Are perfumed by the heather as they blow
And the women in the uplands diggin' praties
Speak a language that the strangers do not know.

Yet the stangers came and tried to teach us their way.
They scorned us just for bein' what we are.
But they might as well go chasing after moon beams,
Or light a penny candle from a star.

And if there's is going to be a life hereafter,
And somehow I am sure there's going to be,
I will ask my God to let me make my heaven,
In that dear land across the Irish sea.

Who are the Dutch?

[Steven de Jong, columnist for the Dutch daily newspaper NRC Handelsblad, reports on global events for a Dutch audience, and those of us who are of Dutch descent. Here he looks at who his compatriots are today. This article appeared in the October 2012 Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM) in-flight magazine – Ed.]

From above, The Netherlands looks immaculate.
From above, The Netherlands looks immaculate: a tidy patchwork of fields, straight ditches and uniform housing estates; every square metre has a purpose. The same order is reflected in Dutch society. A deal is a deal, four o’clock is four o’clock. A visit to family or friends is planned, and joining them for dinner only acceptable if it has been agreed in advance.

“Just be normal, that’s crazy enough,” goes the Dutch saying. It typifies the national character, which is termed calvinistic. Dutch people who flaunt their belongings and success are kept in line with the sneer “don’t get too big for your boots”. Excessive behaviour is not appreciated in principle, but is embraced by groups looking to celebrate their own identity: artists and fans of certain music styles, for example. Crazy glasses or weird trousers can become main stream in no time.

The Dutch consider throwing one’s money around, vulgar. Politicians score points by cycling to work. While foreign heads of state reside in castles, Dutch leaders live in modest homes. Former prime minister Wim Kok lived in a terraced house, the current prime minister Mark Rutte in an apartment in The Hague. Executive salaries and bonuses are ongoing topics of public debate. “Money-grabbing” at the top is a mortal sin.

The cycling monarch
Although The Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy, it has little regard for superiority. Queen Juliana (1909 – 2004) was applauded for her everyday appearance. She knitted, peeled potatoes, dressed simply and earned her family the title of The Cycling Monarchy.

Her official birthday, on 30 April, is a popular holiday. Members of the Royal Family mingle with the commoners and take part in traditional Dutch games.

The Dutch dislike paternalism. No uniform is sacred. A son calls his father Piet. You don’t tell them what to do. You accept them as they are. You shouldn’t restrain them. The country is full of protest groups. It is a country of tolerance, except for a neighbour.

The Dutch are known for their social directness
The Dutch care for everyone. Even dogs don’t go hungry. They are known for their social directness, which can be perceived as rudeness; where speaking your mind is considered the most honest of dialogues, and agreeing to disagree is the best way to continue the longest of friendships. However, while they may sometimes be seen as impolite, that really does not do justice to their history of tolerance towards other cultures.

So as we see, on the ground The Netherlands is not quite as tranquil as it looks from the air. But ask the Dutch what they are proud of, and the lyrics of Frank Pel’s song are highly relevant: “Country of a thousand opinions, the country of soberness.”

02 October 2012

Greetings from Ireland

Barry Vosloo

We arrived in a bitterly cold Ireland last night (1 October) after a looong 10-hour journey from Johannesburg to Amsterdam. This was followed by a looong 10-hour wait at Schipol airport for a connecting flight to Cork.

By the time we boarded the Aer Lingus flight, I was thoroughly bored. However, idly paging through their in-flight magazine, I came across a website that promises everyone who claims Irish ancestry, to help them to discover their Irish roots.

To begin their journey of discovery, interested persons are invited to read the website’s step-by-step guide to getting started, to read their guide to family history in Ireland, to learn more about their records, and to find out about their research services.

Click here to read more.

19 September 2012

Dáárom het hulle getrek

Piet Retief
Twee dokumente stippel die oorsake van die Groot Trek uit. Die manifes van die Voortrekkerleier Piet Retief wat op die vooraand van sy vertrek in 1837 in die Grahamstown Journal geplaas is, word dikwels aangehaal. Dit is ’n kombinasie van sterk griewe en goeie bedoelinge. Dit klink vreeslik welsprekend, maar is nie reguit of eg nie. Dit klink na ’n draaiboekskrywer se werk, en is waarskynlik die pennevrug van Louis Meurant, ’n jong koerantredakteur. 

18 September 2012

Purchase a bit of your Irish ancestral homeland

[Reprinted from Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter - Ed.] 

Irish dirt
Whether you are from Ireland or even if your family emigrated from the island several generations ago, you can now own a wee bit of Irish soil. You don't even have to go to Ireland to see it. You can keep it on the mantlepiece or anyplace else you wish. 

16 September 2012

Geslagsregisters van ou Kaapse families

Hieronder verskyn die skakels om die drie bundels van De Villiers en Pama se geslagregisters van ou Kaapse families gratis van die internet af te laai:
  • Deel 1 - A tot J – klik HIER
  • Deel 2 - A tot O – klik HIER
  • Deel 3 - P tot Z en Bijvoegsel – klik HIER

Britain Destroyed Records of Colonial Crimes

[Reprinted from Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter. Click HERE to subscribe. By the way, this is Jaarringe's 100th posting since its inception - Ed.] 

15 September 2012

Herinneringe aan Morgenster, Rhodesië

Koba Scholtz 

Koba - as 'n jong vrou

[Die skrywer is op 14 November 1918 gebore en op 15 Oktober 2008 oorlede, ‘n maand voor haar negentigste verjaardag. Sy was die die dogter van eerwaarde en mev. J D Moller, wat ’n sendeling op Morgenster was. Sy het haar herinneringe aan Morgenster enkele jare voor haar dood vir haar nageslag neergeskryf – Red.] 

14 September 2012

Cecil John Rhodes se verbintenis met Oos-Kaap.

Emmarentia Ferreira 

Cecil John Rhodes
Bitter min mense weet dat Cecil John Rhodes by verskeie grondtransaksies in die omgewing van Kirkwood betrokke was, maar dat die eiendom op ‘n suster en broer se name was. 

Tussen Sapkamma , Glenconnor, Jansenville en Kirkwood, afgesonder en omring deur berge lê ‘n stuk aarde bekend as “Die Moot”. Dis hier waar ‘n hele bedrogspul volgens oorlewering afgespeel het. 

Johannes Frederik de Lange (1831-1886) het op die plaas Kruisrivier gewoon. Hy het ook transport gery na Kimberley en was bevriend met Rhodes. Hy het 19 kinders gehad. Saam met sy tweede vrou se eerste 2 en sy oorlede suster en swaer se 2, het die egpaar dus 22 kinders grootgemaak. Dit is dus te verstane dat daar soms na “die wilde De Langes” verwys was. 

13 September 2012

The terrible laughter of the Afrikaner

Deneys Reitz
A young Boer guerrilla fighter, Deneys Reitz, described the defeated Boer commandos drifting into the camps in May 1902, as a rabble of “starving, ragged men, clad in skins or sacking, their bodies covered with sores, from lack of salt and food…their appearance was a great shock to us, who came from the better conditioned forces in the Cape.” In the aftermath of the South African War (1899–1902), the Afrikaner seemed defeated—the rural economy was shattered, family farms were destroyed and more than 25 000 Boer women and children were dead in the concentration camps. Yet in this apocalyptic post-war world, something strange was happening. Afrikaners were laughing. [The more things change, the more they stay the same – Ed.] 

12 September 2012

Hendrik Biebouw – the first Afrikaner?

[It is an extraordinary coincidence that a direct descendant (8th generation) of Hendrik Biebouw's half-sister, Susanna Biebouw, now lives in Jeffreys Bay. His name is Sias Odendaal. An exerpt from the Odendaal family history appeared in Jaarringe on 11 September 2012. Click HERE to read more – Ed.] 

11 September 2012

‘n Deernisvolle verhaal uit die familiegeskiedenis van die Odendaals

[Sias Odendaal van Jeffreysbaai het hierdie verhaal aan Jaarringe beskikbaar gestel. Ds. Odie Odendaal (8ste geslag) en Isak Smit (9de geslag) het die navorsing gedoen - Red.]

ʼn Klein dorpie, Odenthal naby Keulen in Duitsland is die bakermat van die Odendaals in Suid-Afrika. “Oden” was die antieke hoofgod van die Germane en “thal” die dal waar Oden aanbid is. Ons stamvader, Wilhelm Odendaal (ook gespel Odendal, Odendall of Odendahl), afkomstig van Odenthal, arriveer in 1706 as soldaat in die Kaap met ʼn vyfjaarkontrak ten tyde van goewerneur Willem Adriaan van der Stel. 

10 September 2012

New studies about “junk DNA”

[Reprinted from Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter. Click here HERE to subscribe - Ed.]

The DNA chromosomes used by genealogy tracking have been referred to as "junk DNA." 

09 September 2012

Die Olivier-familiebybel

Naas Olivier 

Die Olivier-familiebybel
Dié Bybel was die eiendom van my agter-oupagrootjie, Ignatius Petrus Hendrik Olivier (*1823 op die plaas Mynhardtsrivier in die Olifantsriviervallei tussen Calitzdorp en Oudtshoorn; = 20/4/1823 in Gamka). Hy is op 9 November 1846 met Susanna Dorothea Magdalena Jacoba Potgieter te Calitzdorp getroud. Hulle was eie neef en niggie. 

Agter-oupagrootjie-hulle het 15 kinders gehad - 6 seuns en 9 dogters.  Voor in die Bybel was die kinders se  name, geboorte- en doopdatums aangeteken. Die skrif in die Bybel is vermoedelik sy handskrif en dié van sy vrou. 

08 September 2012

The Archival Platform

The Archival Platform bevat interessante inligting m.b.t genealogiese goete. Klik HIER om toegang te verkry - Red.

07 September 2012

19th century beauty tips

[Reprinted from Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter. Click here HERE to subscribe - Ed.]

06 September 2012

Record Transcripts

Click HERE to access the records listed below.

Amsterdam Classis 
  • De Stael Letters 
  • Slave Baptisms
  • Cabo Church Board
  • Drakenstein Church Board 
Muster Rolls of free men 

Church Registers
  • Cape Town Baptisms 1653-1664
  • Cape Town Baptisms 1665-1695
  • Cape Town Baptisms 1695-1712
  • Cape Town Marriages 1656-1662
  • Cape Town Marriages 1665-1695
  • Cape Town Marriages 1696-1712
  • Drakenstein baptisms 1694-1713 
Stellenbosch baptisms  

05 September 2012

A sticky wicket?

Roberta Estes

[The following posting recently appeared in SA Genealogie. If you have not yet visited this outstanding website, click HERE to find out how to access a valuable source of genealogical information. 

Click HERE and HERE to read previous postings in Jaarringe dealing with the use of DNA to trace ancestry  - Ed.] 

I've been thinking about whether or not I should publish this posting. As I write and rewrite it, I still haven't made up my mind. It's one of those sticky wickets, as they are called. 

04 September 2012

Wat die briewe alles onthou

Danie Marais, BY (bylaag tot Die Burger), 1 September 2012 

Bernard du Plessis by die uitstalling van sy lewenswerk – “’n posgeskiedenis van die Boereoorlog”. 
Foto: Michael Hammond 

Hy het “mal geraak” toe hy briewe uit die oorlog begin versamel, en vandag is sy versameling sowat R15 miljoen werd. Maar wat gaan tog daarvan word? vra Bernard du Plessis omgekrap vir Danie Marais. 

03 September 2012

Some South African Genealogy Milestones

This article was published earlier this year by

Since the earliest days at the Cape far sighted individuals recognised the need for recording genealogical information of the new arrivals to the Cape since 1652 From 1652 there were exceptional milestones reached by the recording of genealogies. Genealogy in South Africa today is the hobby of many South Africans and a growing science. It would be unfair to say that the following list is comprehensive but it still reflects the growth and development of genealogy in South Africa. 

01 September 2012

Boer maak toe wél ‘n plan!

Barry Vosloo 

Op 28 Junie 2012 het Jaarringe ‘n storie geplaas oor Gerrit Vosloo (1768 – 1860) wat in 1799 tydens die Van Jaarsveld-opstand op Graaff-Reinet ‘n houtkanon gemaak het. Klik HIER om toegang te verkry. 

31 August 2012

Die stamvader van die Ferreiras in Suid-Afrika

Die feitelike gegewens van hierdie eg-menslike verhaal is ontleen aan die Ferreira-stamregister, saamgestel deur Emmarentia Ferreira van Jeffreysbaai en Janet Melville van Port Elizabeth, asook Stamvader Ignatius Ferreira en sy naverwante wat in 1997 deur prof. O.J.O. Ferreira gepubliseer is – Red. 

30 August 2012

Die held van Somerset-Oos

Barry Vosloo 

Kmdt. Paul Jacobus Erasmus
Kommandant Paul Jacobus Erasmus is op 21 September 1829 gebore, en sterf op 14 Januarie 1881 in Basoetoland. Die verhaal van sy dood word in hierdie storie vertel. Hy tree op 24 Januarie 1853 met Helena Francina Jacoba Vosloo in die huwelik. Sy is op 18 Mei 1832 op Somerset-Oos gebore en is daar op 2 Februarie 1902 oorlede. 

Kommandant Erasmus se skoonseun (?), Johannes Arnoldus Vosloo (1862), wat ook bekend gestaan het as Hans, het 'n lewensbeskrywing van sy skoonvader nagelaat waaruit dit blyk dat hy (Erasmus) as jong seun reeds tekens getoon het dat hy "van onverskrokke karakter was". Hy het onder andere 'n luiperd op kort afstand doodgeskiet en, gedurende 'n Kafferoorlog, toe die meeste boere in die omtrek op kommando was, 'n bende veediewe agtervolg.