Junie se spreker was Bartle Logie, skrywer van 7 boeke oor die Oos-Kaapse geskiedenis,
een daarvan in samewerking met sy vrou Caryl,
‘n plantkunde-entoesias. Bart het sy praatjie toegelig met foto’s en genealogiese
gegewens van die hooffigure in sy verhaal, of liewer verhale, rondom die
ontstaan van Humansdorp.
Toe ek hom vir ‘n opsomming van sy praatjie gevra het, het vir my hierdie
“snippet” gestuur:
“While Humansdorp is always associated with a grant of land
by 19th century farmer, Matthys Human, he was not the only one to
make an input towards the establishment of the new town. A secure water supply
was essential which involved local farmers Jacobus du Plessis and Christian
The founders of the new town appear to have been a
somewhat contentious lot and the first minister of the new congregation, the
Reverend William Heugh, often had to smooth ruffled feathers. He named his
retirement home “Paradise ” because, according
to his wife, 'Compared with Humansdorp, anywhere is paradise'.
Nou ja, dit is die essensie van sy praatjie. Dit
gee egter nie die weelde aan besonderhede van die drie boere, hulle herkoms en
voorgeslagte, die onderhandelinge rondom waterregte, die boeiende staaltjies
oor die struwelinge wat deur die lankmoedige ds. Heugh besleg moes word en die
heel vroeë geskiedenis van Humansdorp weer nie. Geen wonder die dominee se vrou
het hul aftreeplekkie by Kabeljous paradyslik gevind nie. Dit was ‘n boeiende
Internetsoektog (klik hier om toegang tot die webtuiste te verkry) het die ondervermelde aanvullende inligting bevat. Logie het die meeste daarvan in sy praatjie behandel.
“On the 9 March
1849 M.G Human gave part of his farm Rheboksfontein to the Dutch Reformed
It was decided that on 12 April 1849 the first plots would be sold and that the
town would be named after M.G. Human who donated the land.
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Die huidige kerkgebou. Is dit op die oorsponklike terrein gebou? |
Plots were then measured out and were separated by Human, Heugh, Buro, Kerk,
Alexander and Du Plessis streets. The central part of the land was kept
for the Dutch Reformed Church. The rest of the land was then sold at
public auction.
On 10 September 1849, Robert Archibald was appointed as the builder for the
Dutch Reformed Church and M.G. Human was appointed as the Building or
Construction Supervisor. Once the building was completed, the residents
of Humansdorp attended the first Church service on 31 August 1851.
On the 11th September 1851 the first teacher in Humandorp was appointed, Jan
Gerritz Bantjies. Classes were held on Welbedacht farm.
In February 1883 a Third Class Public School was opened with Miss Meyer as
Principal and in February 1885. The Humansdorp
High School was opened
with Mr T.F. De La Mare as principal.
Even after the plots were sold in Humansdorp, the town had a struggle for a
while. It was only in the 1870’s that things took a turn for the better
especially with ostrich farming. The ostrich (Spelling) farming even
attracted people from other countries. Things went so well that in as
early as 1878 Humansdorp got its first newspaper.”
'n Verdere soektog het nóg 'n webtuiste met Humansdorp as tema, opgelewer. Klik hier om toegang te verkry.